General Health Care

Professional medical service

Providing safe and effective care.

Wherever your medical journey takes you all over the world, you can find our products in offices, emergency rooms, intensive care units, operating rooms, general floor patient rooms, emergency centers, and sometimes even at home. Therauplex medical devices, pharmaceuticals, and digital healthcare products are designed with a patient-centric focus to improve care, accelerate recovery, and achieve the best possible outcomes.

You deserve the best care, especially for your medical needs.


Early detection support

An important first step in healthcare initiatives is an early and correct diagnosis. The sooner this happens, the sooner you and your care team can choose an efficient course of action. Utilize trustworthy assessment tools, precise screening and diagnostic procedures, and cutting-edge vital sign monitoring systems to increase the ability of your care to identify issues early.

Improving hospital care

If you are hospitalized, focus on your recovery. Therauplex is committed to bringing you and your care team innovations that make a difference, from the ER to ICU to the hospital room. Our IV drug and infusion systems, continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) systems, and intelligent beds are all designed with one goal: You could go home early.

Advanced surgical care

Therauplex knows that the need for surgery can evoke many emotions. With innovations to optimize the surgical experience while minimizing complications, we strive to support your operating room team.