
Support safe and personalized nutrition management in the hospital or at home

Nutritional Care

Proper clinical nutrition is essential to growth and development, patient recovery, and health. With over 70 years of therapeutic experience, our comprehensive range of parenteral nutrition (PN) products supports the diverse nutritional needs of acute and chronic patients, including neonates, children, and adults. From ready-to-use formulations to advanced formulation technologies, we innovate to expand personalized healthcare options to optimize patient health.

Clinical support solution

Our ready-to-use PN products are designed to ease the burden on pharmacy and nursing staff with simplified preparation processes and consistent quality. Additionally, research has shown that premixes can help reduce the potential risk of medication errors and related infections. Our ready-to-use PN formulations include amino acids (proteins), It contains a good balance of essential ingredients such as glucose (carbohydrate), IV fat emulsion (lipid), and electrolytes.

Complex patient nutritional needs may require customized parenteral solutions. We strive to provide key ingredients to help formulate a personalized PN solution. In addition, we strive to provide advanced compounding technology that allows us to focus on formulation accuracy, the efficiency of the compounding process, and patient safety.

Nutritional care at home

For many patients, the need for clinical nutritional therapy continues in their homes. Whether your patients require home parenteral nutrition (HPN) for bowel failure, to prevent or treat malnutrition, or as supportive care, our range of formulations and training will ensure you get the nutrients you need safely. We are working hard to ensure that it is consumed effectively.